The revaluation of value posed the question: what use are values? How does this or that cultural norm serve me? Instead of accepting the values imposed by one’s culture, one questions them, experiments with them, choosing to adopt or create values that serve to expand or sustain power. Today our understanding of value is much more exact than it was during the 19th century, when the question of the value of values was first posed. We can ask: how is it possible to evaluate in the first place? What are the parameters of evaluation?
Values exist because of a substance-process called LAET, which takes the form intermittently of energy, information and emotion at different times. It has an optimal mode of functioning that involves ability to expansively adapt, to outwardly express and commune, to be coherent to itself, to interpret stimuli in a useful way, to be optimally sensitive to its outside and optimally intense on its inside.
The pagan opposes the Good to the Bad; the Christian opposes Good to Evil, in a reversal; the Haelegen synthesizes these two and opposes the Good to the Dysfunctional.
But even as civilization acquires greater and greater control over the exact parameters of the Good, it becomes more and more possible to question the very value of eudaimonia or thriving itself