The four cardinals are configurations of will (ascesis, catharsis, fervor, majesty). Each is derived from a particular relationship to OIOION. Ascesis has no relation to OIOION at all - it either never had one or, if it did, has transcended it - instead it relates directly to HAQQ. Catharsis seeks to gain favor from OIOION by working hard to discover the truth. Fervor is characterized by a contradiction between passionate worship of OIOION and a desire to destroy her, to be special by way of blowing apart the very being that could grant such a status, somehow. Majesty does not fear OIOION, but sees itself as an instrument of her pleasure all the same. To be come a Haelegen, or citizen of Haelegen, the Muncipality of Sovereignty, Hierarchy, Emancipation and Individuation, one must ultimately pass through the four cardinals as so many stages (in some ways majesty is a summation of the previous three cardinals, but in another way it is just one of the four). Each has its own dangers, shortcomings and virtues. Each carries with it an entire 'meaning of life'. All must ultimately be abandoned. In the "Four Cardinals" section it is typically emphasized that each cardinal has an epistemological, axiological and logico-temporal aspect (each is a 'motor of history' and a philosophical approach at the same time). We should also remember that the axiological dimension of the cardinals is not just a matter of collective social vision but also a matter of unconscious psychic structure. Each cardinal lives within the heart and soul of the person reading these words; for each individual the configuration between the four is different, and in each case the configuration can and should change over time. The key is to see OIOION for what she is - to see her consciously rather than unconsciously, to see that she is fighting with Hael over the melted remains of the Caul, that she wants to break free but also to merge, and that I myself am OIOION, or at least I am one of her fiery tears.