There is a world only because a blistering surplus imagined an empty child-lover into whom she might discharge her Laet. The material and the ideal are barriers between the surplus and the void, erected for mutual protection and access at the same time; their relationship is dynamic and evolving. Everything that takes place in this world is an opportunity to connect the void to the surplus.
Three Armistices are material (Rael, Hael and Caul), and three are ideal (Urael, Urizen, Varizen). The first three appear earlier in a certain sense, but in another sense each is coextensive with its respective ideal partner (Urael understand Caul, Urizen understands Hael and Varizen understands Rael). The beginning of time is in the middle, between Caul and Urael, and fans outwards - backwards in physical time and forwards in collective time as civilization evolves by means of greater and deeper knowledge. Haelegen, the final age, is the sum of the entire series: a status for human society that is coextensive with its knowledge of a deeper level of reality than the current scientific paradigm has not yet been able to access (but towards which the ‘structural realist’ approach of Wolfram or Tegmark points; whatever meta-level of organization beyond the causality of physical laws we ultimately uncover - some dimension of reality more fundamental than matter will be both the physical and the collective aspect of Haelegen at the same time )