There are so many ways to talk about evil:  as character armor, as sickness, as sin, as weakness, as immaturity.  It can be described in terms of nerves and glands or in terms of angels and temptation.  Psychoanalysis, CBT, religions of various kinds, self-help, etc.   I balk at even beginning to explore this topic - the point that seems most worth noting at the moment is this.  Lets just start by asking a question.  I take for granted that many forms of conduct that at certain times and places have seemed evil have, as a result of the liberating power of scientific disenchantment, proven not to be evil at all.  Homosexuality and rock music immediately come to mind, and of course the theme of immoralism in Nietzsche, Gide, Dostoyevsky.   It can be tempting to read Nietzsche as basically a self-help author, an especially eloquent one, but a self-help author all the same. For him, at end of the day the only bad thing is self-destructive ressentiment; beyond that, one simply has to get to know one's self well enough and try out enough different value systems so as to to arrive at a good match, or perhaps invent a new one if there's no pre-existing match.    The question is, it is possible, after Romanticism and counterculture, to make a claim about absolute evil, to identify a universal Hyperborean?  I believe it is.   I believe it is also possible to show that this Hyperborean is a precondition for the launch into the Transcendental