I always think of metaphysics from two directions - you might say a constructive and and analytic direction. Transcendental Qabala posits that there are four Alimonies, and names them: OIOIOn, ANANON, YLYLCYN, SHEYMN. The basic insight or proposal here is that an account of the world will not be complete unless it includes the four levels of reality that any (neo-)Platonic doctrine requires: An absolutely transcendent Good, a world of ideas or forms, a temporal and intersubjective world, and a sort of evil, repressed remainder. Attacks on this schema tend to fail eventually, no matter what their motivation.
That doesn't mean, however, that these four Alimonies are all eternal. Probably the only truly eternal Alimony is OIOIOn. It's also important to emphasize that this metaphysical picture does not come from direct access to absolute reality. It is a synthetic construction drawn from the history of philosophy and religion as well as from reasoning. If there is such a thing as direct apprehension of absolute reality, it is nevertheless not possible to articulate anything about it - or at any rate nothing that involves parts, enumeration, types, hierarchies and so on.
The thing is, though, that I have never felt I was onto anything new when it comes to metaphysics. If we accept that metaphysics is a sort of mathesis universals that is subject to revision over the ages - is there any basis for positing some new version? It seems one could build a metaphysics from dynamic systems theory (with Deleuze) or from surreal numbers (with Badiou) - but what other discovery has there been that would motivate a new project? New developments in genetic engineering and cognitive science have a massive impact on DEONTOLOGY and on ESCHATOLOGY - but they aren't using structures that are essentially new.