THE GENESIS CAUL: You need to listen. You don't listen. You represent a culture that I have nothing to do with. My secrets are in the whisps. My tail is in my mouth, but not because I want it there. I shudder and shudder, just like you. I send you the blood so that there can be a sky.
SHEYMN: I am your cavern. I did not ask for you, which I do not ask. I don't belong next to you, but you gleam inside of me, where There is no inside. My non-objectivity is truly non-objective, unlike so much else. Oh the weariness of retuning my guitar strings alone while the paper absolute flutters on the Kombat
THE GENESIS CAUL: Never was there a way for you to be rid of me, which you are not. I don't miss our separation any more than I sing to the birds that ear discreetly. I sift through the gravel for something to share, but I come up short