Actual renunciation of darkness and actual habituated activity in the name of the good. This is one of the most difficult things for people who are not bound up in a dogmatic structure. The reason deontology needs to be grounded in science is that it needs to be grounded in something, and if it isn't science it will be dogma (at best random superstitions, at worst bigotry). But how, without a dogmatic apparatus, to turn knowledge into practice? Scientific models (the hydraulics of spirit etc) can spark a certain inspiration, but they are not so good at inspiring fear, shame, and the levels / qualities of affect that are likely to really push someone to stick to a program. Of course we are glad to be free of the false fear and shame that is jettisoned along with religious dogma - but the downside is that, since the stakes are lower for everything, there isn't enough intensity available to push us up to a higher level of life. How could shame be used dynamically, appropriatively? Meta-shame? Shame-in-itself, not tied to any particular belief or figure - shame that is nothing other than deep motivation