The effort required of Transcendental Qabala is oriented towards articulating a nondogmatic cosmogony. This is of course a seemingly contradictory effort: a true cosmogony, in the theological sense, not only accepts the existence of first principles (i.e. is dogmatic), it even believes it is able to establish a further principle that grounds these first principles (God). Here, cosmogony is not just dogmatic but is doubly so.
Critical philosophy rejects all absolutes - realist, idealist, materialist etc - and insists that philosophy can only start in media res. Its grounds for this are both epistemological and ethical. Nevertheless, the critical philosopher tends to end up sliding into a kind of union with the absolute in the act of philosophizing.
Anyway, there has to be a way to accept the dynamic skepticism of critical philosophy and at the same time meaningfully articulate a cosmogony.
Of course, the only thing that knows God is God itself - so the only way to know God is to become God. This requires the help of music and art. But still, there is more to articulate about how this would work
Why articulate a cosmogony? Because ultimately God is required if there is to be love